2017 Resolutions

The beginning of January is the beginning of a lot of things- a new month, a new year, new beginnings, and the chance the make resolutions. Like many people, I have a few resolutions that I want to accomplish in 2017:

  1. Read a book for fun once a month.
    I  read a lot for school (the one downside of being a journalism major), but especially during the school year, I don’t read for fun very often. Reading a book a month may not seem like much, but between taking five courses, working and trying to maintain a decent social life, it’s going to take some dedication. I enjoy reading, but a lot of the time I simply forget to do it for fun.
  2. Learn how to make a cocktail.
    I’m only nineteen, so my palette for tasteful alcoholic drinks is pretty minimal. While the extent of my drink-making abilities currently sits at pouring a ready-made drink into a red solo cup, I want to learn how to make a nice drink (that doesn’t taste like cleaning chemicals) that I can enjoy and impress my friends with.
  3. Travel somewhere new.
    I do have plans to travel this year (including NEW YORK), but I tend to always travel to the same places. This year I want to go somewhere new, even if it’s simply going to a new town in my province, or maybe a new country (time and money permitting, of course).
  4. Eat more fruits and veggies.
    I know that I’m not going to be able to completely cut out sugar, caffeine or all animal products out of my diet, but one thing that I know that I can work on in 2017 is adding more fruits and veggies into my life. I’m not a huge fan of simply eating salads for lunch or litres of smoothies every morning, but I’m looking forward to finding new and tasty ways to add more fruits and veggies in to my everyday life. This Buzzfeed article has some good ideas.
  5. Write two blog posts a month.
    As you can see, I currently tend to write one blog post about every three months. I want to change that to two posts a month. Among all the papers that I have to write for school, taking a break from academic writing with writing a blog post will be a nice change of pace.
  6. Learn Sign Language.
    This was actually one of my 2016 resolutions too, but it just didn’t happen. I learned the alphabet, numbers and some basic phrases last year, but in 2017 I want to make even more progress in learning ASL.
  7. Watch one movie a month.
    I am not a movie person. I get bored halfway through them, and just don’t usually find them really interesting (although I’ll gladly watch an entire season of a show in a day). That being said, I have a growing list of movies that I do want to watch, so I’ve made it one of my goals to cross one of those off of my list every month.
  8. Reconnect with a friend once a month.
    During the year, I tend to always hang out with the same handful of people, only seeing other friends at the odd party or get-together. This year, I want to make more of an effort to see the friends that I don’t see as often. Having a goal to see an old friend more than twice a year will strengthen my friendship with them, and will give me a break from the tight circle of friends I see all the time (let’s face it- I love them, but sometimes you just need a break from even your bestest friends.

And there are my 2017 new years resolutions! What are some of your goals for the new year? Let me know in the comments! 🙂